
Moritz Stefaner's Data Visualization Projects

The next Eyeo Festival speaker was Moritz Stefaner.  He called his presentation Truth and Beauty – “the two big maxims that should guide our work”.  […]

Ben Fry and Casey Reas – Processing

The first Eyeo session was given by Ben Fry and Casey Reas.  They are working on developing Processing 2.0, should release shortly… Jer Thorp has […]

At the Eyeo Festival in Minneapolis, MN

I think it must have been on Twitter that I heard, months ago, about the Eyeo Festival.  Ticket sold out in just a few days […]

Matthew Richard at the Big Screen Plaza

As part of LISA’s partnership with the Big Screen Plaza, we will be showing excerpts from one of Matthew Richard‘s works during the months of […]

Nell Breyer at the Big Screen Project

As part of LISA’s partnership with the Big Screen Plaza, we will be showing three of Nell Breyer‘s works during the months of June and […]

Benton-C Bainbridge and Brooke Broussard at the Big Screen Plaza

As part of LISA’s partnership with the Big Screen Plaza, we will be showing excerpts from one of Benton-C Bainbridge and Brooke Broussard‘s works during […]

Sophie Kahn and Lisa Parra at the Big Screen Plaza

As part of LISA’s partnership with the Big Screen Plaza, we will be showing one of Sophie Kahn and Lisa Parra‘s works during the months […]

Asya Reznikov at the Big Screen Plaza

As part of LISA’s partnership with the Big Screen Plaza, we will be showing excerpts from one of Asya Reznikov‘s works during the months of […]

Interview with Memo Akten

Lara Sedbon conducts an email interview with Memo Akten for the LISA blog. LS:  How do you think of your next personal project, once you […]

Deborah Johnson at the Big Screen Project

As part of LISA’s partnership with the Big Screen Project, we will be showing excerpts from some of Deborah Johnson’s works during the month of […]